QE97 Losing it: Jess Hill Panel Appearance
Sunday 25 May, 11:00am
Sydney Writers Festival
QE97 Losing It: Jess Hill Festival Appearance
Saturday 24 May, 2:30pm
Sydney Writers Festival
$10.00 flat-rate shipping, Australia-wide.
Authors > Jess Hill
Jess Hill is an investigative journalist and the author of See What You Made Me Do and the Quarterly Essay The Reckoning. She has been a producer for ABC Radio and journalist for Background Briefing, and Middle East correspondent for The Global Mail. Her reporting on domestic abuse has won two Walkley awards, an Amnesty International award and three Our Watch awards. See What You Made Me Do won the 2020 Stella Prize and the ABA Booksellers’ Choice Adult Non-Fiction Book of the Year.
Photo: Saskia Wilson
QE97 Losing it: Jess Hill Panel Appearance
Sunday 25 May, 11:00am
Sydney Writers Festival
QE97 Losing It: Jess Hill Festival Appearance
Saturday 24 May, 2:30pm
Sydney Writers Festival
Black Inc.
Wurundjeri Country
22-24 Northumberland Street
Collingwood, Victoria, 3066
Phone: +61 3 9486 0288