The Great Divide by Alan Kohler | Black Inc.

The Great Divide: Australia's Housing Mess and How to Fix It

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About the author

Alan  Kohler

Alan Kohler is the founder of Eureka Report, which has been integrated into Intelligent Investor. Alan is also the finance presenter on ABC News and a columnist for The …

More about Alan Kohler

Praise for The Great Divide

'One of the best long reads on housing and possible solutions that you can come across'—Rafael Epstein, ABC Radio

'A timely contribution from a master communicator' —Cameron Murray, Crikey

‘Kohler should be congratulated for his rock-solid analysis on the politically fraught but central issue confronting Australian society today’ —Kurt Johnson, The Saturday Paper

‘A cracking book for a subject that so many Tasmanians aren't just talking about, but are living like a gut punch at the moment.’ —Leon Compton, ABC Hobart

‘A tight, punchy book’ —Bernard Lagan, New Zealand Herald 

‘Excellent and succinct’ —Tasmanian Times

The Great Divide is a great look at a crisis facing Australia and should be on the reading list of every MP in the country’ —Red Tape

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