Byron Writers Festival: Deadlock: Ending Fossil Fuels with Jöelle Gergis | Black Inc.
Joëlle  Gergis

Byron Writers Festival: Deadlock: Ending Fossil Fuels with Jöelle Gergis

To curb the climate crisis, there can be no more oil, gas or coal. Yet governments around the world, including Australia, are approving new fossil fuel projects. Climate scientist Joëlle Gergis (Highway to Hell) and investigative journalist Royce Kurmelovs (Slick) analyse the government paralysis around ending fossil fuels and provide a roadmap for taking action. With Julianne Schultz.
Supported by The Saturday Paper.

Date:   Sunday 11 August

Time:   9:00am

Venue: A&I Hall, 3 Station St, Bangalow NSW 2479

Price:   Day and Weekend Passes Available