Sydney Writers Festival: The Artificial in Artificial Intelligence with Toby Walsh | Black Inc.
Toby Walsh

Sydney Writers Festival: The Artificial in Artificial Intelligence with Toby Walsh

The Curiosity Lecture series returns to the Festival with a line-up of our most thought-stirring speakers delivering one-time talks on topics of intrigue, interest and importance. As artificial intelligence takes root in everything from science and social media to politics and policing, world-leading AI expert Toby Walsh seeks to answer a pressing question: can we trust AI or will it increasingly deceive us? Drawing from his recent essay in Griffith Review 80: Creation Stories, he offers a fascinating perspective on our growing reliance on intelligent and autonomous technology and how we might ensure AI is harnessed as a force for good rather than for nefarious ends.

Date:   Thursday 25 May

Time:   11:00am

Venue: Carriageworks, Bay 24 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh

Price:   This is a free event.