Black Inc. Highlights for Byron Writers Festival | Black Inc.


Black Inc. Highlights for Byron Writers Festival

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Black Inc. Highlights for Byron Writers Festival

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About the authors

David George Haskell

David Haskell is a professor of biology and environmental studies at the University of the South and a Guggenheim Fellow. He is the author of the multi-award-winning books The Forest Unseen (2012) and The Songs of Trees (2020), which won the John Burroughs Medal for Distinguished Natural History Writing. Along with his scholarly research, Haskell has also published essays, op-eds and poetry.

Author photo by Katherine Lehman.

More about David George Haskell

David Marr

David Marr’s books include Patrick White: A Life, The High Price of Heaven, Dark Victory (with Marian Wilkinson), Panic, My Country, Killing for Country and six Quarterly Essays. He has written for The Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, The Saturday Paper, The Monthly and The Guardian and been a reporter for Four Corners and presenter of Media Watch and Late Night Live.

More about David Marr

Laura Tingle

Laura Tingle is chief political correspondent for ABC TV’s 7.30. She won the Paul Lyneham Award for Excellence in Press Gallery Journalism in 2004, and Walkley awards in 2005 and 2011. She is the author of Chasing the Future: Recession, Recovery and the New Politics in Australia and two acclaimed Quarterly Essays, Great Expectations and Political Amnesia.

More about Laura Tingle

Erik Jensen

Erik Jensen is an award-winning journalist, biographer, screenwriter and poet. He is the founding editor of The Saturday Paper and editor-in-chief of Schwartz Media. His first book, Acute Misfortune: The Life and Death of Adam Cullen, was made into an acclaimed feature film. He is also the author of On Kate Jennings, Quarterly Essay 74: The Prosperity Gospel and the poetry collection I Said the Sea Was Folded. His latest book is Angry at Breakfast.

More about Erik Jensen

Andrew Ford

Andrew Ford's music has been performed and recorded around the world, played by ensembles such as the Australian Chamber Orchestra, the Brodsky Quartet and the New Juilliard Ensemble, and sung by the likes of Yvonne Kenny, Katie Noonan and Iva Bittová. He presents The Music Show on ABC Radio National and has written ten books ranging from a study of sound in film to the songs of Van Morrison to the compulsion of composers to explore the primitive in their music.

Author …

More about Andrew Ford

Anita Heiss

Dr Anita Heiss AM is the author of non-fiction, historical fiction, commercial women's fiction, poetry, social commentary and travel articles. She is a Lifetime Ambassador of the Indigenous Literacy Foundation and a proud member of the Wiradjuri nation of central NSW. Anita was a finalist in the 2012 Human Rights Awards and the 2013 Australian of the Year Awards. In 2022 she was awarded an Order of Australia Medal. She lives in Brisbane.

More about Anita Heiss

Alice Pung

Alice Pung OAM is an award-winning writer based in Melbourne. She is the bestselling author of the memoirs Unpolished Gem and Her Father’s Daughter, and the essay collection Close to Home, as well as the editor of the anthologies Growing Up Asian in Australia and My First Lesson. Her first novel, Laurinda, won the Ethel Turner Prize at the 2016 NSW Premier’s Literary Awards. One …

More about Alice Pung

Meshel Laurie

Meshel Laurie is a comedian and radio and television personality. She is a regular panellist on The Project, and has also appeared on Spicks and Specks, Good News Week and Rove. She is the author of The Fence-Painting Fortnight of Destiny, Buddhism for Break-ups and Buddhism for the Unbelievably Busy, and produces and hosts two of Australia's most downloaded podcasts, Australian True Crime and The Nitty Gritty Committee.

More about Meshel Laurie