May 2024 new releases from Black Inc. | Black Inc.


May 2024 new releases from Black Inc.

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May 2024 new releases from Black Inc.

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About the authors

Samantha Faulkner

Samantha Faulkner is a Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal woman, from Badu and Moa Islands in the Torres Strait and the Yadhaigana and Wuthathi peoples of Cape York Peninsula, Queensland. Her poetry and short stories have been published nationally and internationally, and she is the proud author of Life Blong Ali Drummond: A Life in the Torres Strait (Aboriginal Studies Press, July 2007) and editor of Pamle: Torres Strait Islanders in Canberra (2018). She also is a member …

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Ariane Beeston

Ariane Beeston is a former child protection caseworker and psychologist with NSW's Department of Communities and Justice. She was a staff writer at Fairfax Media's Essential Baby and Essential Kids and has also published articles in The Sydney Morning Herald, Daily Life, Babyology and Mamamia. Ariane currently works for Australia's peak body in perinatal mental health, The Centre of Perinatal Excellence (COPE), as their communications and content manager. …

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Tony Birch

Tony Birch holds the Boisbouvier Chair in Australian Literature at Melbourne University. In 2017 he was awarded the Patrick White prize, in recognition of his contribution to Australian literature. He is the author of four novels, five short fiction collections, and two poetry books. In 2022 his book, Dark As Last Night was awarded the Christina Stead Literary Prize and the Steele Rudd Literary Award. The book was also shortlisted for the 2022 Prime Minister's Literary Award for fiction. …

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