National Sustainable Living Festival: Featuring Saul Griffith | Black Inc.
Saul Griffith

National Sustainable Living Festival: Featuring Saul Griffith

Climate change is a planetary emergency. We have to do something now – but what?

Australian visionary Saul Griffith has a plan.

Saul’s ‘The Big Switch’ lays out a detailed blueprint – optimistic but feasible – for fighting climate change while creating millions of new jobs and a healthier environment.

Join Saul Griffith for this Feature Festival Forum as he explains exactly what it would take to transform our infrastructure, update our grid, and adapt our households.

‘I’m a scientist, engineer, inventor, and father who wants to leave my kids a better world. The data convinces me that it is still rational to have hope.’ — Saul Griffith

‘About f*cking time we have an actual plan written down that can be executed and financed. In a decarbonised world, Australia is a winner. The opportunity now is ours for the taking.’ — Mike Cannon-Brookes

Date:   Sunday 20 February

Time:   1:30pm

Venue: The Capitol Theatre, 113 Swanston St, Melbourne

Price:   Free