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Growing Up Torres Strait Islander in Australia: Call for submissions
A new anthology in the Growing Up series is coming in 2024.
Due to multiple requests, we have decided to extend the deadline for submissions to Monday 19 December.
Black Inc. is pleased to announce that submissions are open for Growing Up Torres Strait Islander in Australia, a new anthology, edited by Samantha Faulkner, which will explore the diverse experiences of growing up Torres Strait Islander in the Torres Strait and/or in mainland Australia.
We are looking for non-fiction pieces that deal with any aspect of growing up as a Torres Strait Islander in Australia. We encourage submissions from writers across a range of ages and experiences.
Submissions can be in any manner, tone or style, but should not be academic or scholarly. They should be written in first-person and be honest accounts of lived experience – positive, negative or anything in between.
Editor Samantha Faulkner says: “The Torres Strait is a beautiful place, an island paradise, one of Australia’s hidden treasures. I know there are many stories to be told from there and by Torres Strait Islanders who grew up on the Australian mainland. Join me in this journey and showcase the beauty, ilan style (island style), and gud pasin (good fashion) of our home and peoples so we can reveal our unique culture and its storytelling.”
Submissions should be between 1000 and 4000 words and must be received by 5pm on Monday 19 December 2022. Late entries will not be accepted.
Please email submissions to [email protected]
Q – Who is defined as a Torres Strait Islander?
A – You must be of Torres Strait Islander descent; identify as a Torres Strait Islander; and be accepted as Torres Strait Islander by a Torres Strait Islander community.
Q - What does ‘growing up,’ mean?
A – ‘Growing up’ can refer to childhood, adolescence or your evolving identity as an adult.
Q - I’ve never been published before. Does this matter?
A – No.
Q – Will you accept poetry or fiction?
A – No.
Q – If I have submitted for a previous Growing Up anthology, can I submit again?
A – Yes, though we recommend making sure your piece is tailored to this one.
Q – Should I avoid writing about abuse / self-harm / sex / illegal drugs, etc?
A – We encourage all contributors to write honestly about their experiences. As the anthology is partly aimed at teenagers, during the editing process we may suggest some modifications to avoid unnecessarily explicit content, but pieces will not be excluded on this basis.