Alan Finkel in conversation with Richard Aedy | Black Inc.
Alan Finkel

Alan Finkel in conversation with Richard Aedy

How we power the world is no small matter: the future of the planet, and humanity, is at stake. How will future generations judge this one when it comes to moving away from carbon? And how will our nation stand up?

In his new book, former chief scientist Alan Finkel shares his compelling insights and expertise and makes the case for Australia leading the way in the global transition to clean energy.

On 14 June at The Royal Oak, join him in conversation with journalist, radio host and current presenter of ABC RN’s The Money, Richard Aedy.

Copies of Powering Up will be available for purchase at the venue through Roaring Stories, with Finkel signing copies after the discussion.

Date:   Wednesday 14 June

Time:   7:00pm

Venue: The Royal Oak, 36 College Street Balmain

Price:   $12.90