Robert Manne by Robert Manne | Black Inc.

Robert Manne: A Political Memoir: Intellectual Combat in the Cold War and the Culture Wars

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About the author

Robert Manne

Robert Manne is emeritus professor of politics at La Trobe University. His recent books include On Borrowed TimeMaking Trouble: Essays Against the New Complacency, and The Words that Made Australia (as co-editor). …

More about Robert Manne

Praise for Robert Manne

‘This is a most rewarding memoir for the serious reader willing to engage with issues, and especially rewarding for the student of Australian history, politics, culture and sociology.  There is much in this memoir with which readers might agree or, indeed, disagree. But one fact remains incontrovertible: Manne’s integrity as a researcher, writer and social justice activist.’ —Anne Sarzin, J-Wire

‘Essential reading for anyone interested in what has happened to politics and ideas in this country since World War II’ —Frank Bongiorno, Australian Book Review

‘This is a riveting account of the intellectual development and unusual path of one of Australia’s leading cultural and political commentators. It’s a personal account from a man who believes “there was almost nothing more central than the belief that where moral questions were concerned, it was vital that both head and heart were fully engaged’’.’ —Jason Steger, The Age

‘In the range of concerns and its historical sweep, this is an admirable, well-rounded portrait of someone engaging with, and attempting to make sense of, his times.’ —Steven Carroll, The Age

‘This book documents a long life of speaking truth to power unflinchingly, especially to the purveyors of cultural and intellectual power. His autobiography is an invaluable contribution to this country’s often floundering record of trying to understand itself politically, intellectually and culturally. There are too few like him today.’ —Recorder

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